Rad Romance Research I've Found

As I've been looking for romance-related research and data, I've come across some great work that I wanted to share.

Romance Research

As I've been looking for romance-related research and data, I've come across some great work that I wanted to share.

Where is All the Book Data?

Public Books | October 4, 2022

In this thoughtful essay, Melanie Walsh explains that book sales data is basically inaccessible to anyone beyond the publishing industry and outlines the problems this lack of accessibility causes.

Where Is All the Book Data? - Public Books
Industry is already using data to remake culture. To reverse the tide—to make culture more equitable—we need to decode that data for ourselves.

What Does a Happily Even After Look Like?

The Pudding | October 15, 2023

In this beautiful visual essay, contributor Alice Liang looks at over 1,400 romance novel covers from 2011-2023 to find trends in the level of raunchiness, the art style and the representation of racial diversity.

What does a happily ever after look like?
We looked at over 1,400 romance novel covers featured in Publishers Weekly from 2011 to 2023 and evaluated each cover based on its raunchiness (or level of undress), art style, and representation of racial diversity.

Lewd Vocabulary in Erotic Fiction Survey

November 13, 2022

Fantasy erotica writer KJ Scott conducted a survey to discover preferred lewd vocabulary choices for use by romance and erotica writers, covering 16 categories from A (act of sex) to V (vulva). The PDF of the results is a fun, spicy read that is definitely NSFW and meant for 18+ readers.
